Sat, 09/28/2024 - 11:00 - Sat, 09/28/2024 - 17:00

After a two-year absence from the Canadian art scene, senior Canadian artist MARGARET LINDSAY HOLTON is back! After re-locating to the beautiful eastern townships right on the St.Lawrence River, a new MLH arts studio is well underway. The GATE HOUSE will officially 'OPEN' during Culture Days 2024..

Visiting Guests will have a rare opportunity to explore Lindsay's past award-winning pinhole photography (with several hand-made cameras on site). They can examine examples of her Canadian fine furniture, discover a variety of oils & acrylics painted over 4 decades, and listen to her three musical CDs - 'Summer Haze: Solo Piano', 'CANADADA: Take Two', (with poetry), and, her latest effort, 'Group Think', an energetic medley of electronic vibes. Visitors will see various 'works-in-progress' and, overall, get a better sense of where this "unique" Canadian artist is headed ... All visitors are welcome to view the St.Lawrence River & the woodland vistas from the newly-added studio-pool deck.

Guests, if inquiring, can also learn about the acute necessity of continuing the time-honoured traditions of making signature Canadian artifacts - especially in light of the global 'AI art' hurricane ...  

"One-to-Watch!" - via Charles Pachter 

Veteran Canadian Artist & Acute Commentator

Location: The GATE HOUSE: New Studio of MARGARET LINDSAY HOLTON 1353 County Rd 2 West, Elizabethtown-Kitley, ON

For more information visit Gan Arts Network